I've helped paint it, done a big panel upgrade to G3X, added a good comm radio. Then I sold it!
... not the end of the story.

And flew it to Oshkosh 2017! Life long dream, but I realized, I had a "mediocre" at best RV. Which kinda bummed me out. The problem was all "fit and finish". I've been so busy with life and flying, issues have built up over time and need to be addressed. I don't want a sub-par RV, just a disgrace.
The last few months I've taken some time to fly it generally and man.. With all it's nagging issues, it is a phenomenal aircraft and flys so amazingly well, it's worth improving. Along with the time flying, I've taken time to think about what I'd like the plane to become. And... I want to realize the origonal goal. A maximally efficient RV.
The Goals
Currently30 sm/g - 140KTAS at 9,500' consuming 5gph
Immediate Goal
40 sm/g - 150KTAS consuming 4gph
Crazy stretch goal
50 sm/g - 170KTAS (120IAS @ 17,500) consuming 3.7gph
My goal is very ambitious.... 50mph That's 170ktas (120kias @17,500) consuming 3.7 gph.
The work
RepairRepair leaky fuel tank- Repair wheel pants
Clean up
Remove redundent fuel gauge and intercom[Done]- Replace gear leg fairings
- Add elevator root fairings
- Cleanup tailwheel drag
- Rebuild Canopy
- New round-inlet cowl
Big Ticket Items
- Replace mechanical fuel injection system with Open Source EFI [$800 net]
- Replace cool-air induction system [$100]
- Upgraded Alternator (30A) [$800]
- Smart Electrical System w/essentials (automated from GPS input)
Ovehaul Engine - 2450 TT since factory new[$9000]
Other than that... it's all easy right ;)
Stay tuned
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